In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame, concat
from time import time
from exoparams import PlanetParams
from astropy import units as u
In [ ]:
test_data = read_csv('test_data.dat')
Check if the data makes sense as is
In [ ]:
fig = figure(figsize=(10,10))
errorbar(test_data['DeltaPhase'], test_data['Flux'] , test_data['Sigma'], fmt='o')
fig = figure(figsize=(10,10))
errorbar(np.arange(test_data['DeltaPhase'].size), test_data['Flux'] , test_data['Sigma'], fmt='o')
# errorbar(h38_v2_orbitPhased['DeltaPhase'], h38_v2_orbitPhased['Flux'] , h38_v2_orbitPhased['Sigma'], fmt='o')
# errorbar(w67_v1_orbitPhased['DeltaPhase'], w67_v1_orbitPhased['Flux'] , w67_v1_orbitPhased['Sigma'], fmt='o')
In [ ]:
for k in test_data['OrbitNumber'].unique():
orbitNNow = test_data['OrbitNumber'] == k
errorbar(test_data['DeltaPhase'][orbitNNow] , \
test_data['Flux'][orbitNNow] , \
test_data['Sigma'][orbitNNow], fmt='o')
In [ ]:
def zhou_model(params):
# Zhou et al. 2017
# The exponential ramp timescale is detector dependennt, and therfore uniform across all observations
# But the difference from orbit to orbit is predicted to be related
# ONLY to the inital number of charge traps populated at the start of the each ramp
flux = ydata.copy() # I assume that what Zhou means by `flux` is either the WLC or avg WLC value
# flux = ydata.copy() / 128 # I assume that what Zhou means by `flux` is either the WLC or avg WLC value
E0fast = params[0] # Orbit 0; Start with per frame; may want per pixel
E0slow = params[1] # Orbit 0; Start with per frame; may want per pixel
# Separate out the delta-E0 components per orbit
# Keep dE0fast[0] and dE0slow[0] == 0.0 because they correspond to E0fast and E0slow (initial)
dE0fast = np.zeros(nOrbits)
dE0slow = np.zeros(nOrbits)
for k in range(1, nOrbits):
print(k,2*k, 2*k+1,len(params))
dE0fast[k] = params[2*k]
dE0slow[k] = params[2*k+1]
# From Table 3 of Zhou et al. 2017
ETotFast = 270.6
etaFast = 0.006863
tauFast = 224.8
ETotSlow = 1320.0
etaSlow = 0.01311
tauSlow = 2.45e4
coeffFast0= (etaFast * flux / ETotFast + tauFast**-1)
coeffSlow0= (etaSlow * flux / ETotSlow + tauSlow**-1)
coeffFast1= etaFast*flux / coeffFast0
coeffSlow1= etaSlow*flux / coeffSlow0
Efast = zeros(orbit_phase.shape)
Eslow = zeros(orbit_phase.shape)
for k in range(nOrbits):
orbitNow = where(orbitNumber == k)[0]
Efast[orbitNow] = coeffFast1 + (E0fast + dE0fast[k] - coeffFast1)*exp(-coeffFast0 * tphase[orbitNow])
Eslow[orbitNow] = coeffSlow1 + (E0slow + dE0slow[k] - coeffSlow1)*exp(-coeffSlow0 * tphase[orbitNow])
dEFastDtP = etaFast * flux * (ETotFast - Efast) / ETotFast
dEFastDtN = -Efast / tauFast
dESlowDtP = etaSlow * flux * (ETotSlow - Eslow) / ETotSlow
dESlowDtN = -Eslow / tauSlow
lambda phase: 1 - dEFastDtP - dESlowDtP - dEFastDtP - dESlowDtP
In [ ]:
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function
import pymultinest
import math
import os
import threading, subprocess
from sys import platform
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
from pylab import *;ion()
# from pymultinest.solve import Solver,solve
from numpy import pi, sin, cos, linspace
def single_exponential_model(cube):
alpha = cube[0]
beta = cube[1]
gamma = cube[2]
return lambda xdata: alpha - beta*exp(-gamma*xdata)
def double_exponential_model(cube):
alpha = cube[0]
beta = cube[1]
gamma = cube[2]
delta = cube[3]
epsilon = cube[4]
return lambda xdata: alpha - beta*exp(-gamma*xdata) - delta*exp(-epsilon*xdata)
def straight_line(cube):
offset = cube[0]
slope = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: offset + slope * abscissa
def sine_wave(cube):
amp = cube[0]
period = cube[1]
return lambda abscissa: amp*sin(2*pi / period * abscissa)
Generate Fake Data for Algorithm Testing
In [ ]:
param0_test= 1#0.05
param1_test= .1#5*pi
param2_test= 10.0
yunc_test = 0.01
nPts_test = int(50)
nThPts_test= int(1e3)
xmin_test = -0.0#*pi
xmax_test = 1.0#*pi
dx_test = 0.01*(xmax_test - xmin_test)
model_test = single_exponential_model
# model_test = sine_wave
# model_test = straight_line
yuncs_test = np.random.normal(yunc_test, 1e-2 * yunc_test, nPts_test)
thdata_test= np.linspace(xmin_test-dx_test, xmax_test+dx_test, nThPts_test)
xdata_test = np.random.uniform(xmin_test, xmax_test, nPts_test)
xdata_test = sort(xdata_test)
ydata_test = model_test([param0_test,param1_test,param2_test])(xdata_test)
yerr_test = np.random.normal(0, yuncs_test, nPts_test)
zdata_test = ydata_test + yerr_test
plot(thdata_test, model_test([param0_test,param1_test,param2_test])(thdata_test))
errorbar(xdata_test, zdata_test, yunc_test*ones(zdata_test.size), fmt='o')
In [ ]:
nThPts = int(1e3)
model_SEM = single_exponential_model
xdata = test_data['DeltaPhase']
ydata = test_data['Flux']
yuncs = test_data['Sigma']
xmin, xmax = xdata.min(), xdata.max()
dx = (xmax - xmin)/100
thdata_SEM = np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
param0_SEM_init= 1.0 # by defintion
param1_SEM_init= (ydata.max() - ydata.min())#/100
param2_SEM_init= round(5/(xdata.max() - xdata.min()))
print(param0_SEM_init, param1_SEM_init, param2_SEM_init)
plot(thdata_SEM, model_SEM([param0_SEM_init,param1_SEM_init,param2_SEM_init])(thdata_SEM))
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave
# parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line
# parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
model_SEM = single_exponential_model
parameters_SEM = ['max', 'amp1', 'scale1']
def myprior_SEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
cube0_width = 1e-3
cube[0] = cube[0] * cube0_width + (1 - 0.5*cube0_width)# - 10# U(0,2)
cube[1] = cube[1] # - 10# U(0,1) -- default
cube[2] = cube[2] * 1e4 - 5e3# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
def myloglike_SEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
chi = 1.
# print "cube", [cube[i] for i in range(ndim)], cube
# for i in range(ndim):
# chi *= -0.5 * ((cube[i] - 0.2) / 0.1)**2#math.cos(cube[i] / 2.) * math.sin(cube[i] / 2.)
# print "returning", math.pow(2. + chi, 5)
modelNow = model_SEM(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params_SEM = len(parameters_SEM)
planetName = 'HAT38'
visitName = 'visit1'
modelName = 'single_exponential_model'
outputfiles_basename = 'chains/' + planetName + '-' + visitName + '-' + modelName + '-'
start = time()
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_SEM, 5*n_params_SEM))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params_SEM, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior_SEM, n_params_SEM, \
importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename);
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
print('SEM took', time() - start, 'seconds')
# lets analyse the results
a_SEM = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params_SEM, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename);
s_SEM = a_SEM.get_stats();
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_SEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_SEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_SEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_SEM, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s_SEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_SEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
print("Global Evidence:\t%.3f +- %.3f" % ( s_SEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_SEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p_SEM = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a_SEM)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_SEM, 5*n_params_SEM))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params_SEM):
plt.subplot(n_params_SEM, n_params_SEM, n_params_SEM * i + i + 1)
p_SEM.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params_SEM, n_params_SEM, n_params_SEM * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p_SEM.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
In [ ]:
# plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params_SEM):
# print(5*n_params, 1, i+1)
plt.subplot(5*n_params_SEM, 1, i+1)
p_SEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p_SEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
In [ ]:
p_SEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'], [param0_SEM_init, param1_SEM_init, param2_SEM_init]
In [ ]:
plot(thdata_SEM, model_SEM([param0_SEM_init,param1_SEM_init, param2_SEM_init])(thdata_SEM), label='Initial Model')
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o', label='Data')
plot(thdata_SEM, model_SEM(p_SEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_SEM), label='PMN Model')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
nThPts= int(1e3)
model_UDEM = double_exponential_model
xdata = test_data['DeltaPhase']
ydata = test_data['Flux']
yuncs = test_data['Sigma']
xmin, xmax = xdata.min(), xdata.max()
dx = (xmax - xmin)/100
thdata_UDEM = np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
param0_UDEM_init = 1.0 # by defintion
param1_UDEM_init = 0.5*(ydata.max() - ydata.min())#/100
param2_UDEM_init = round(5/(xdata.max() - xdata.min()))
param3_UDEM_init = 0.5*(ydata.max() - ydata.min())#/100
param4_UDEM_init = round(5/(xdata.max() - xdata.min()))
print(param0_UDEM_init, param1_UDEM_init, param2_UDEM_init, param3_UDEM_init, param4_UDEM_init)
plot(thdata_UDEM, model_UDEM([param0_UDEM_init,param1_UDEM_init,param2_UDEM_init, param3_UDEM_init, param4_UDEM_init])(thdata_UDEM))
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave
# parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line
# parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
model_UDEM = double_exponential_model
parameters_UDEM = ['max', 'amp1', 'scale1', 'amp2', 'scale2']
# def myprior_RDEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
# cube[0] = cube[0] * 1e-3 + (1 - 1e-3/2)# - 10# U(0,2)
# cube[1] = -cube[1] * 5e-3 + 5e-4 # - 10# U(0,1) -- default
# cube[2] = cube[2] * 1e4 - 5e3# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
# cube[3] = cube[3] * 5e-3 + 5e-4# - 10# U(0,1) -- default
# cube[4] = cube[4] * 1e4 - 5e3# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
def myprior_UDEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
cube[0] = cube[0] * 1e-2 + (1 - 1e-2/2)# - 10# U(0,2)
cube[1] = cube[1] * 2 - 2/2 # - 10# U(0,1) -- default
cube[2] = cube[2] * 1e4 - 1e4/2# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
cube[3] = cube[3] * 2 - 2/2# - 10# U(0,1) -- default
cube[4] = cube[4] * 1e4 - 1e4/2# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
def myloglike_UDEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
modelNow = model_UDEM(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
start = time()
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params_UDEM = len(parameters_UDEM)
savedir = 'chains'
planetName = 'HAT38'
visitName = 'visit1'
modelName = 'unrestricted_double_exponential_model'
outputfiles_basename = savedir + '/' + planetName + '-' + visitName + '-' + modelName + '-'
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_UDEM, 5*n_params_UDEM))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params_UDEM, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior_UDEM, n_params_UDEM, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, \
verbose = True, sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, \
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a_UDEM = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params_UDEM, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
s_UDEM = a_UDEM.get_stats()
print('UDEM took', time() - start, 'seconds')
# fig = plt.gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim()
# # ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
# # ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_UDEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_UDEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_UDEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_UDEM, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s_UDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_UDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p_UDEM = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a_UDEM)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_UDEM, 5*n_params_UDEM))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params_UDEM):
plt.subplot(n_params_UDEM, n_params_UDEM, n_params_UDEM * i + i + 1)
p_UDEM.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params_UDEM, n_params_UDEM, n_params_UDEM * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
# p_UDEM.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses=False, with_points=False, grid_points=30)
p_UDEM.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses=False , with_points=False , grid_points=30, \
only_interpolate=False, use_log_values=False, marginalization_type='sum')
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
In [ ]:
axes_colors = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color']
nColors = len(axes_colors)
In [ ]:
minLogE, maxLogE = min(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1]), max(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1])
rangeLogE = maxLogE - minLogE
minLogE, maxLogE, rangeLogE, nColors
In [ ]:
from astroML.plotting import hist
from statsmodels.robust import scale
hist(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1], bins='blocks')
In [ ]:
nSig = 10
mad_logE = scale.mad(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1])
med_logE = median(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1])
madBins = [med_logE - nSig*mad_logE for nSig in range(nColors)]
In [ ]:
fig = figure(figsize=(15,15));
logEchain = a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1]
mad_logE = scale.mad(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1])
med_logE = median(a_UDEM.get_equal_weighted_posterior().T[-1])
madBins = [med_logE - nSig*mad_logE for nSig in range(nColors+1)]
for k in range(5):
ax = fig.add_subplot(5,1,k+1);
for nSig in range(nColors):
for klogE in range(logEchain.size):
if logEchain[klogE] > madBins[nSig] or logEchain[klogE] < madBins[nSig+1]:
logEchain,'o', \
color = axes_colors[nSig], alpha=0.1);
In [ ]:
# plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params_UDEM):
# print(5*n_params, 1, i+1)
plt.subplot(5*n_params_UDEM, 1, i+1)
p_UDEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p_UDEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
In [ ]:
p_UDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'], [param0_UDEM_init, param1_UDEM_init, param2_UDEM_init, param3_UDEM_init, param4_UDEM_init]
In [ ]:
plot(thdata_UDEM, model_UDEM([param0_UDEM_init,param1_UDEM_init, param2_UDEM_init, param3_UDEM_init, param4_UDEM_init])(thdata_UDEM), label='Initial Model')
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o', label='Data')
plot(thdata_UDEM, model_UDEM(p_UDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_UDEM), label='PMN UDEM Model')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
nThPts= int(1e3)
model_RDEM = double_exponential_model
xdata = test_data['DeltaPhase']
ydata = test_data['Flux']
yuncs = test_data['Sigma']
xmin, xmax = xdata.min(), xdata.max()
dx = (xmax - xmin)/100
thdata_RDEM = np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
param0_RDEM_init = 1.0 # by defintion
param1_RDEM_init = 0.5*(ydata.max() - ydata.min())#/100
param2_RDEM_init = round(5/(xdata.max() - xdata.min()))
param3_RDEM_init = 0.5*(ydata.max() - ydata.min())#/100
param4_RDEM_init = round(5/(xdata.max() - xdata.min()))
print(param0_RDEM_init, param1_RDEM_init, param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init)
plot(thdata_RDEM, model_RDEM([param0_RDEM_init,param1_RDEM_init,param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init])(thdata_RDEM))
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave
# parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line
# parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
model_RDEM = double_exponential_model
parameters_RDEM = ['max', 'amp1', 'scale1', 'amp2', 'scale2']
def myprior_RDEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
cube[0] = cube[0] * 1e-3 + (1 - 1e-3/2)# - 10# U(0,2)
cube[1] = -cube[1] * 5e-3 + 5e-4 # - 10# U(0,1) -- default
cube[2] = cube[2] * 1e4 - 5e3# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
cube[3] = cube[3] * 5e-3 + 5e-4# - 10# U(0,1) -- default
cube[4] = cube[4] * 1e4 - 5e3# - 1000 # U(0,2000)
def myloglike_RDEM(cube, ndim, nparams):
chi = 1.
# print "cube", [cube[i] for i in range(ndim)], cube
# for i in range(ndim):
# chi *= -0.5 * ((cube[i] - 0.2) / 0.1)**2#math.cos(cube[i] / 2.) * math.sin(cube[i] / 2.)
# print "returning", math.pow(2. + chi, 5)
modelNow = model_RDEM(cube)(xdata)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
start = time()
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params_RDEM = len(parameters_RDEM)
savedir = 'chains'
planetName = 'HAT38'
visitName = 'visit1'
modelName = 'restricted_double_exponential_model'
outputfiles_basename = savedir + '/' + planetName + '-' + visitName + '-' + modelName + '-'
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_RDEM, 5*n_params_RDEM))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params_RDEM, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename); progress.start()
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior_RDEM, n_params_RDEM, importance_nested_sampling = False, resume = False, verbose = True, \
sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a_RDEM = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params_RDEM, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
s_RDEM = a_RDEM.get_stats()
print('RDEM took', time() - start, 'seconds')
# fig = plt.gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim()
# # ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
# # ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_RDEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_RDEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_RDEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_RDEM, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s_RDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_RDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p_RDEM = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a_RDEM)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_RDEM, 5*n_params_RDEM))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params_RDEM):
plt.subplot(n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM * i + i + 1)
p_RDEM.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p_RDEM.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
In [ ]:
# plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params_RDEM):
# print(5*n_params, 1, i+1)
plt.subplot(5*n_params_RDEM, 1, i+1)
p_RDEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p_RDEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
In [ ]:
p_RDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'], [param0_RDEM_init, param1_RDEM_init, param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init]
In [ ]:
plot(thdata_RDEM, model_RDEM([param0_RDEM_init,param1_RDEM_init, param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init])(thdata_RDEM), label='Initial Model')
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o', label='Data')
plot(thdata_RDEM, model_RDEM(p_RDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_RDEM), label='PMN Model')
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_SEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_SEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_SEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_SEM, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("SEM Global Evidence:\t\t%.3f +- %.3f" % ( s_SEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_SEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_UDEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_UDEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_UDEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_UDEM, f, indent=2)
# print()
# print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("UDEM Global Evidence:\t\t%.3f +- %.3f" % ( s_UDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_UDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_RDEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_RDEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_RDEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_RDEM, f, indent=2)
# print()
# print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("RDEM Global Evidence:\t\t%.3f +- %.3f" % ( s_RDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_RDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
plot(thdata_UDEM, model_SEM([param0_SEM_init,param1_SEM_init, param2_SEM_init])(thdata_SEM), \
'.', label='Initial SEM Model')
plot(thdata_UDEM, \
model_RDEM([param0_RDEM_init,param1_RDEM_init, param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init])(thdata_RDEM), \
'--', label='Initial DEM Model')
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o', label='Data')
plot(thdata_SEM, model_SEM(p_SEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_SEM), label='PMN SEM Model')
plot(thdata_UDEM, model_UDEM(p_UDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_UDEM), label='PMN UDEM Model')
plot(thdata_RDEM, model_RDEM(p_RDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_RDEM), label='PMN RDEM Model')
In [ ]:
from numpy.polynomial import polynomial
def time_polynomial(params):
# modelOut = np.zeros(tdata.size)
# for kc, coeff in enumerate(params):
# modelOut += coeff * tdata**kc
if len(params):
return lambda tdata: polynomial.polyval(tdata, params)
return lambda tdata: zeros(tdata.size)
def orbital_polynomial(params):
# modelOut = np.zeros(xdata.size)
# for kc, coeff in enumerate(params):
# modelOut += coeff * xdata**kc
# return modelOut
if len(params):
return lambda odata: polynomial.polyval(odata, params)
return lambda odata: zeros(odata.size)
def wavelength_polynomial(params):
# modelOut = np.zeros(ldata.size)
# for kc, coeff in enumerate(params):
# modelOut += coeff * ldata**kc
# return modelOut
if len(params):
return lambda ldata: polynomial.polyval(ldata, params)
return lambda ldata: zeros(ldata.size)
def polynomial_model(params):
params_list= list(params.copy())[::-1]
timeParams = array([params_list.pop() for _ in range(nTimeCoeffs)])
orbitParams = array([params_list.pop() for _ in range(nOrbitCoeffs)])
waveParams = array([params_list.pop() for _ in range(nWaveCoeffs)])
return lambda tdata, odata, ldata: time_polynomial(timeParams)(tdata) + \
orbital_polynomial(orbitParams)(odata) + \
tdata, xdata, ldata = np.random.uniform(-10,10,(3,100))
# tdata, xdata, ldata = [np.linspace(-10,10,100) for _ in range(3)]
for nTimeCoeffs in range(4):
for nOrbitCoeffs in range(4):
for nWaveCoeffs in range(4):
params = np.random.uniform(-20,20,nTimeCoeffs+nOrbitCoeffs+nWaveCoeffs)
plot(tdata, polynomial_model(params)(tdata,xdata,ldata),'.', alpha=0.5, mew=0)
plot(xdata, polynomial_model(params)(tdata,xdata,ldata),'.', alpha=0.5, mew=0)
plot(ldata, polynomial_model(params)(tdata,xdata,ldata),'.', alpha=0.5, mew=0)
In [ ]:
nThPts= int(1e3)
model_Poly = polynomial_model
xdata = test_data['DeltaPhase']
ydata = test_data['Flux']
yuncs = test_data['Sigma']
nTimeCoeffs = 2
nOrbitCoeffs = 3
nWaveCoeffs = 0
h38PlanetPhase = test_data_input_input['Phase']
h38HSTPhase = test_data['DeltaPhase']
xmin, xmax = xdata.min(), xdata.max()
dx = (xmax - xmin)/100
thdata_Poly = np.linspace(xmin-dx, xmax+dx, nThPts)
param0_Poly_init = 1.0 # by defintion
param1_Poly_init = 1.0
param2_Poly_init = 1.0
param3_Poly_init = 1.0
param4_Poly_init = 1.0
print(param0_Poly_init, param1_Poly_init, param2_Poly_init, param3_Poly_init, param4_Poly_init)
plot(thdata_Poly, model_Poly([param0_Poly_init,param1_Poly_init,param2_Poly_init, param3_Poly_init, param4_Poly_init])(thdata_Poly))
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o')
In [ ]:
# our probability functions
# Taken from the eggbox problem.
# model = sine_wave
# parameters = ["amp", "period"]
# model = straight_line
# parameters = ["offset", "slope"]
nTimeCoeffs = 2
nOrbitCoeffs = 3
nWaveCoeffs = 0
h38PlanetPhase = test_data_input_input['Phase']
h38HSTPhase = test_data['DeltaPhase']
model_Poly = polynomial_model
parameters_Poly = ['timeIntercept', 'timeSlope', 'orbitIntercept', 'orbitSlope', 'orbitQuadratic']
cubeKWith = 1e3
def myprior_Poly(cube, ndim, nparams):
for k in len(cube):
cube[k] = cube[k] * cubeKWith - 0.5*cubeKWith
def myloglike_Poly(cube, ndim, nparams):
chi = 1.
# print "cube", [cube[i] for i in range(ndim)], cube
# for i in range(ndim):
# chi *= -0.5 * ((cube[i] - 0.2) / 0.1)**2#math.cos(cube[i] / 2.) * math.sin(cube[i] / 2.)
# print "returning", math.pow(2. + chi, 5)
modelNow = model_Poly(cube)(times, HSTPhase, 0)
return -0.5*((modelNow - ydata)**2. / yuncs**2.).sum()
In [ ]:
if not os.path.exists("chains"): os.mkdir("chains")
start = time()
# number of dimensions our problem has
# parameters = ["x", "y"]
n_params_Poly = len(parameters_Poly)
savedir = 'chains'
planetName = 'HAT38'
visitName = 'visit1'
modelName = 'polynomial_model'
outputfiles_basename = savedir + '/' + planetName + '-' + visitName + '-' + modelName + '-'
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_Poly, 5*n_params_Poly))
# we want to see some output while it is running
progress = pymultinest.ProgressPlotter(n_params = n_params_Poly, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
# threading.Timer(2, show, ["chains/2-phys_live.points.pdf"]).start() # delayed opening
# run MultiNest, myprior_Poly, n_params_Poly, importance_nested_sampling = False, \
resume = False, verbose = True, sampling_efficiency = 'model', n_live_points = 1000, \
# ok, done. Stop our progress watcher
# lets analyse the results
a_Poly = pymultinest.Analyzer(n_params = n_params_Poly, outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
s_Poly = a_Poly.get_stats()
print('Polynomial took', time() - start, 'seconds')
# fig = plt.gcf()
# axs = fig.get_axes()
# for ax in axs:
# ax.set_ylim()
# # ax.set_xscale("log", nonposx='clip')
# # ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
In [ ]:
import json
# store name of parameters, always useful
with open('%sparams.json' % a_RDEM.outputfiles_basename, 'w') as f:
json.dump(parameters_RDEM, f, indent=2)
# store derived stats
with open('%sstats.json' % a_RDEM.outputfiles_basename, mode='w') as f:
json.dump(s_RDEM, f, indent=2)
print("-" * 30, 'ANALYSIS', "-" * 30)
print("Global Evidence:\t%.15e +- %.15e" % ( s_RDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence'], \
s_RDEM['nested sampling global log-evidence error'] ))
In [ ]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Here we will plot all the marginals and whatnot, just to show off
# You may configure the format of the output here, or in matplotlibrc
# All pymultinest does is filling in the data of the plot.
# Copy and edit this file, and play with it.
p_RDEM = pymultinest.PlotMarginalModes(a_RDEM)
plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params_RDEM, 5*n_params_RDEM))
#plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)
for i in range(n_params_RDEM):
plt.subplot(n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM * i + i + 1)
p_RDEM.plot_marginal(i, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=50)
for j in range(i):
plt.subplot(n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM, n_params_RDEM * j + i + 1)
#plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=0, top=0, wspace=0, hspace=0)
p_RDEM.plot_conditional(i, j, with_ellipses = False, with_points = False, grid_points=30)
# plt.savefig("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf") #, bbox_inches='tight')
# show("chains/marginals_multinest.pdf")
In [ ]:
# plt.figure(figsize=(5*n_params, 5*n_params))
# plt.subplot2grid((5*n_params, 5*n_params), loc=(0,0))
for i in range(n_params_RDEM):
# print(5*n_params, 1, i+1)
plt.subplot(5*n_params_RDEM, 1, i+1)
p_RDEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
# outfile = '%s-mode-marginal-cumulative-%d.pdf' % (a.outputfiles_basename,i)
p_RDEM.plot_modes_marginal(i, cumulative = True, with_ellipses = True, with_points = False)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative probability")
# plt.savefig(outfile, format='pdf', bbox_inches='tight')
# plt.close()
In [ ]:
p_RDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'], [param0_RDEM_init, param1_RDEM_init, param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init]
In [ ]:
plot(thdata_RDEM, model_RDEM([param0_RDEM_init,param1_RDEM_init, param2_RDEM_init, param3_RDEM_init, param4_RDEM_init])(thdata_RDEM), label='Initial Model')
errorbar(xdata, ydata, yuncs, fmt='o', label='Data')
plot(thdata_RDEM, model_RDEM(p_RDEM.analyser.get_best_fit()['parameters'])(thdata_RDEM), label='PMN Model')
In [ ]: